High bandwidth series-biased green micro-LED array toward 6 Gbps visible light communication

Opt Lett. 2022 Jul 1;47(13):3343-3346. doi: 10.1364/OL.458495.


In this Letter, a record modulation bandwidth of 1.31 GHz was achieved by a 10 µm c-plane green micro light emitting diode (micro-LED) at a current density of 41.4 kA/cm2. Furthermore, by designing a series-biased 20 µm micro-LED with higher light output power, combined with an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation scheme, a maximum data rate of 5.789 Gbps was achieved at a free-space transmission distance of 0.5 m. This work demonstrates the prospect of c-plane polar green micro-LED in ultrahigh-speed visible light communication, which is expected to realize a high-performance wireless system in the future.