Cell wall lignification is a key step in forming functional endodermis and protoxylem (PX) in plant roots. Lignified casparian strips (CS) in endodermis and tracheary elements of PX are essential for selective absorption and transport of water and nutrients. Although multiple key regulators of CS and PX have been identified, the spatial information that drives the developmental shift to root lignification remains unknown. Here, we found that brassinosteroid (BR) signaling plays a key role in inhibiting root lignification in the root elongation zone. The inhibitory activity of BR signaling occurs partially through the direct binding of BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT 1 (BZR1) to SHORT-ROOT (SHR), repressing the SHR-mediated activation of downstream genes that are involved in root lignification. Upon entering the mature root zone, BR signaling declines rapidly, which releases SHR activity and initiates root lignification. Our results provide a mechanistic view of the developmental transition to cell wall lignification in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.
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