Introduction: Interstitial pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy. The aim of our publication is to describe the diagnosis and treatment of this entity.
Case report: We report the case of a ruptured interstitial pregnancy diagnosed in a 32 years old patient admitted for acute abdominal pain.
Discussion: The main symptom was severe pelvic pain in a context of amenorrhea. The ultrasound found the ectopic pregnancy in the form of an eccentric gestational sac with an empty uterine cavity as well as intraperitoneal effusion. A ruptured ectopic pregnancy was suspected and the patient was admitted immediately for emergency laparotomy with cornusotomy and salpingectomy.
Conclusion: Interstitial ectopic pregnancy is associated with high morbidity. Its diagnosis and management should be early and adequate in order to avoid complications and preserve fertility.
Keywords: Case report; Cornuostomy; Ectopic pregnancy; Haemoperitoneum; Laparotomy.
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