Symmetric anisotropic interaction can be ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic at the same time but for different crystallographic axes. We show that the competition of anisotropic interactions of orthogonal irreducible representations can be a general route to obtain new exotic magnetic states. We demonstrate it here by observing the emergence of a continuously tunable 12-layer spatial spin modulation when distorting the square-lattice planes in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Sr_{2}IrO_{4} under in situ shear strain. This translation-symmetry-breaking phase is a result of an unusual strain-activated anisotropic interaction which is at the fourth order and competing with the inherent quadratic anisotropic interaction. Such a mechanism of competing anisotropy is distinct from that among the ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and/or the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, and it could be widely applicable and highly controllable in low-dimensional magnets.