Young adult (YA) aged cancer patients have unique psychosocial needs with studies indicating more symptoms and emotional distress compared to older patients. Our study aimed to compare clinical characteristics and symptom distress between YAs and older adults. We retrospectively studied 896 randomly selected patients across 3 age groups: 18-39 YAs (n = 297), 40-64 (n = 300), and 65 and older (n = 299). We compared medical, psychosocial history, Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (MEDD), Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) scores, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scores at the time of initial inpatient consultation with supportive care. YAs were more frequently female and white, with higher ECOG scores, had more self-reported psychiatric history and worse ESAS sleep scores compared to the other age cohort groups. YAs had higher pain expression than those of 65 years and older. YAs were more likely to have children younger than 18 years old, which was associated with worse pain, sleep, and financial distress. In general, YAs did not report higher symptoms distress, with the exception of insomnia and self-reported psychiatric history. Importantly, YAs with children was associated with higher ratings of pain, sleep difficulties, and financial distress. Overall, results suggest YAs may benefit from specialized services to address their unique psychosocial needs.
Keywords: palliative care; psychosocial distress; supportive care; young adult cancer.