Anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies have been prepared that represent the internal image of nicotine and are specific for the nicotine binding site on rat brain receptor. Specificity of these antibodies for the combining site on anti-nicotine was demonstrated by their ability to inhibit binding of monoclonal anti-nicotine to immobilized nicotine-polylysine. Furthermore, purified rat brain nicotine receptor but not acetylcholine receptor from fish electric organ effectively competed with anti-nicotine for immobilized nicotine and for immobilized anti-idiotype. Only 9 pmoles of naturally occurring (-)-nicotine inhibited idiotype-anti-idiotype binding by 50% whereas 11 times more (+)-nicotine was required. Acetylcholine, several cholinergic agonists and antagonists, nicotine metabolites, and other structurally related compounds were poor inhibitors.