Atherosclerosis begins in youth and is directly linked with the presence and severity of cardiovascular risk factors, including dyslipidemia. Thus, the timely identification and management of dyslipidemia in childhood might slow atherosclerotic progression and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. This is particularly true for children with genetic disorders resulting in marked dyslipidemia, including familial hypercholesterolemia, which remains frequently undiagnosed. Universal and cascade screening strategies can effectively identify cases of pediatric dyslipidemia. In the clinical evaluation of children with dyslipidemia, evaluating for secondary causes of dyslipidemia, including medications and systemic disorders is essential. The first line therapy generally centres around lifestyle modifications, with dietary changes specific to the dyslipidemia phenotype. Indications for medication depend on the severity of dyslipidemia and an individualized assessment of cardiovascular risk. Despite an expanding evidence base supporting the detection and timely management of pediatric dyslipidemia, numerous knowledge gaps remain, including a sufficient evidence base to support more widespread screening, thresholds for initiation of pharmacotherapy, and treatment targets. Further studies on the most appropriate age for statin initiation and long-term safety studies of statin use in youth are also required. The most pressing matter, however, is the development of knowledge translation strategies to improve the screening and detection of lipid disorders in Canadian youth.
Copyright © 2022 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.