This study has been conducted on an anthropogenically less influenced transboundary river (Atrai: Indo-Bangladesh) to comprehend the inherent geochemistry and identify potential elemental sources. In doing so, across the Bangladeshi portion, 30 river-bed samples were culled and studied by neutron activation analysis to quantify the abundances of 15 geochemically and toxicologically significant elementals (Na, Al, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, As, Rb, Sb, Cs, Ba, Th, and U). The results revealed that the mean concentrations (μg/g) of Rb (154.6), Cs (7.53), Th (20.90), and U (4.88) were 1.5-2.0 times higher than crustal values. Besides, geo-environmental indices revealed 'uncontaminated to moderately contaminated' pollution status with minor enrichment or contamination for Rb, Th, Sb, U, and Cs, relatively concentrated in the mid-to-downstream zone possessed geogenic and non-crustal origins. The positive matrix factorization and other statistical approaches revealed predominant geogenic enrichment of Na, K, Al, Ti, Zn, Cs, Rb, As, Th, and U from differential mineralogical compositions via weathering, elemental fractionations, and biogeochemical mobilization. Contrariwise, several anthropogenic sources (for Cr, Sb, Co, Mn, Th) were also ascertained in the vicinity of Atari River. However, sediment characterization based on SQG threshold values manifested that Cr and Mn possess rare biological effects on local aquatic organisms. Nevertheless, SQGs-based and ecological risk indices invoked minor to no potential ecotoxicological intimidations for the considered metal(oid)s (Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, As, and Sb). Hence, this study manifested the usefulness of a less anthropogenically affected river to reckon geogenic and non-crustal elemental origins in the compounded riverine sediment.
Keywords: Atrai river; Bangladesh; Elemental fractionations; Risk assessment; Sediment quality; Source apportionment.
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