Patients with cerebral palsy are known to be at risk for hip displacement and dislocation. Progressive hip displacement is known to cause a variety of problems including pain, impaired sitting balance, difficulty with perineal care, and decreased quality of life. To avoid these problems, hip reconstruction may be recommended and has been shown to lead to significant improvements in pain and health-related quality of life. To properly identify patients in need of intervention for hip displacement, hip surveillance is an active program consisting of clinical and radiographic monitoring in patients with cerebral palsy that allows for early detection of hip displacement in those at risk. As such, all children with cerebral palsy should be referred for hip surveillance at age 2 years. A growing body of literature has shown that hip surveillance along with appropriate orthopedic management decreases or prevents the incidence of hip dislocations, with direct implications on overall quality of life, in children with cerebral palsy. [Pediatr Ann. 2022;51(9):e353-e356.].