Complex soft-tissue injuries consist of difficult traumatic injuries caused by high-energy mechanisms such as motor vehicle accidents, lawnmower injuries, and crush injuries from heavy objects. Many times, because of the high-energy trauma, there is significant damage to the soft tissue and underlying bone, leading to a complex situation for healing. In this case report, a 43-year-old woman presented with extensive degloving injury and open fractures of the forefoot resulting from a lawnmower accident. After extensive irrigation and debridement, wound closure was achieved using a full-thickness skin graft (FTSG). Although many case reports have been published about management of these complex soft-tissue injuries, there are no reports on using an autologous FTSG from a neighboring digit undergoing distal amputation for wound coverage. This report discusses the technique of using an autologous FTSG from an amputated specimen to achieve wound coverage with adequate limb salvage principles.