In South Africa, animal tuberculosis (TB) control programs predominantly focus on domestic cattle and African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) despite increasing global reports of tuberculosis in goats (Capra hircus). Left undetected, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) infected goats may hinder TB eradication efforts in cattle and increase zoonotic risk to humans. Since the publication of animal TB testing guidelines in 2018, prescribing the use of the tuberculin skin test (TST) for goats in South Africa by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development (DALRRD), there have been no published reports of any field application of the prescribed test criteria in goat herds. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of these DALRRD guidelines using the single intradermal cervical tuberculin test (SICT) and the single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test (SICCT). Between October and December 2020, 495 goats from communal pastures of Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), where M. bovis infection has been identified in cattle and where cattle and goats cohabitate, were tested using the SICT and SICCT (M. bovis-exposed group). Additionally, 277 goats from a commercial Saanen dairy herd, with no history of M. bovis, were also tested (M. bovis-unexposed group). Estimated apparent prevalence of TST positive goats was determined based on published test interpretation criteria as described by DALRRD. When proportions of test-positive goats were compared between different DALRRD criteria, the ≥ 4 mm cut-off criterion for the SICCT resulted in the lowest proportion of positive results in the presumably uninfected group (1/277 positive in the unexposed group). The apparent prevalence of TB in the exposed group was estimated at 3.0% (95% CI: 1.7-4.9%), which is similar to previous reports of M. bovis prevalence in cattle from this area (6%). The detection of a significantly greater proportion of SICCT positive goats in the M. bovis-exposed group compared to the unexposed group suggests that MTBC infection is present in this population. Further investigations should be undertaken, in conjunction with confirmatory molecular tests, mycobacterial culture, and advanced pathogen sequencing to establish whether MTBC infection in domestic goats is a true under-recognized threat to the eradication of animal TB in South Africa.
Keywords: Bovine tuberculosis; Domestic goats; Single intradermal cervical tuberculin test; Single intradermal comparative cervical test; Tuberculin skin test.
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