[Progress of schistosomiasis control in People's Republic of China in 2021]

Zhongguo Xue Xi Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi. 2022 Aug 22;34(4):329-336. doi: 10.16250/j.32.1374.2022132.
[Article in Chinese]


This report presented the endemic status of schistosomiasis and analyzed the data collected from the national schistosomiasis prevention and control system and national schistosomiasis surveillance sites in the People's Republic of China at a national level in 2021. Among the 12 provinces (municipality and autonomous region) endemic for schistosomiasis in China, Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region continued to consolidate the achievements of schistosomiasis elimination, and Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces maintained the criteria of transmission interruption, while Yunnan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces maintained the criteria of transmission control by the end of 2021. A total of 451 counties (cites, districts) were found to be endemic for schistosomiasis in China in 2021, with 27 571 endemic villages covering 73 250 600 people at risk of infections. Among the 451 endemic counties (cities, districts), 75.17% (339/451), 22.17% (100/451) and 2.66% (12/451) achieved the criteria of elimination, transmission interruption and transmission control of schistosomiasis, respectively. By the end of 2021, 29 037 cases with advanced schistosomiasis were documented in China. In 2021, 4 405 056 individuals received serological tests and 72 937 were sero-positive. A total of 220 629 individuals received stool examinations and 3 were positive. In 2021, snail survey was performed in 19 291 endemic villages in China and Oncomelania snails were found in 7 026 villages, accounting for 36.42% of all surveyed villages, with 12 villages identified with emerging snail habitats. Snail survey was performed at an area of 686 574.46 hm2 and 191 159.91 hm2 snail habitats were found, including 1 063.08 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 5 113.87 hm2 reemerging snail habitats. In 2021, 525 878 bovines were raised in the schistosomiasis endemic areas of China, and 115 437 received serological examinations, with 231 positives detected. Among the 128 719 bovines received stool examinations, no positives were identified. In 2021, there were 19 927 schistosomiasis patients receiving praziquantel chemotherapy, and 729 113 person-time individuals and 256 913 herd-time bovines were given expanded chemotherapy. In 2021, snail control with chemicals was performed in 117 372.74 hm2 snail habitats, and the actual area of chemical treatment was 65 640.50 hm2, while environmental improvements were performed in snail habitats covering an area of 1 244.25 hm2. Data from the national schistosomiasis surveillance sites of China showed that the mean prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections were both zero in humans and bovines in 2021, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in snails. The results demonstrate that the overall endemic status of schistosomiasis remained at a low level in China in 2021; however, the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination was slowed and the areas of snail habitats rebounded mildly. Strengthening researches on snail diffusion and control, and improving schistosomiasis surveillance and forecast are recommended to prevent reemerging schistosomiasis.

[摘要] 本文通报了 2021 年全国血吸虫病疫情, 并对全国血吸虫 病预防控制工作数据和国家血吸虫病监测点疫情监测数据进行 了汇总和分析。截至 2021 年底, 全国 12 个血吸虫病流行省 (直辖 市、自治区) 中, 上海、浙江、福建、广东、广西等 5 个省 (直辖市、自 治区) 继续巩固血吸虫病消除成果, 四川、江苏省维持传播阻断标 准, 云南、湖北、安徽、江西、湖南等 5 个省维持传播控制标准。全 国共有 451 个血吸虫病流行县 (市、区)、27 571 个流行村, 流行村 总人口 7 325.06 万人; 451 个流行县 (市、区) 中, 339 个 (75.17%) 达 到血吸虫病消除标准、100 个 (22.17%) 达到传播阻断标准、12 个 (2.66%) 达到传播控制标准。2021 年, 全国尚存晚期血吸虫病患 者 29 037 例。2021 年, 全国共开展血吸虫病血检查病 4 405 056 人, 阳性 72 937 人; 开展粪检查病 220 629 人, 阳性 3 人。全国共有 19 291 个流行村开展了钉螺分布调查, 7 026 个村查出钉螺, 占调 查总数的 36.42%, 新查出 12 个有螺村; 累计查螺 686 574.46 hm2, 查出有螺面积 191 159.91 hm2, 其中新发现有螺面积 1 063.08 hm2, 复现钉螺面积 5 113.87 hm2。血吸虫病流行区现有存栏耕牛 525 878 头, 累计血检查病 115 437头, 阳性 231 头; 开展粪检查病 128 719 头, 未发现粪检阳性耕牛。全国共治疗血吸虫病患者 19 927 例, 扩大化疗 729 113 人·次, 扩大化疗耕牛 256 913 头·次; 累计开展药 物灭螺总面积 117 372.74 hm2, 实际药物灭螺 65 640.50 hm2, 环境改造灭螺 1 244.25 hm2。2021 年全国血吸虫病监测点中, 居民和耕牛平均血吸虫感染率均为 0, 未发现感染性钉螺。疫情数据分析显示, 2021 年全国血吸虫病呈低度流行水平, 但达标进程减缓、钉螺面积略有反弹; 需加强钉螺扩散与控制研究, 强化血吸虫病监测预警, 防止疫情反弹。.

Keywords: China; Endemic situation; Schistosomiasis; Surveillance.

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Cattle
  • China / epidemiology
  • Cities
  • Humans
  • Praziquantel
  • Schistosomiasis japonica* / epidemiology
  • Schistosomiasis* / epidemiology
  • Schistosomiasis* / prevention & control


  • Praziquantel