Primary hepatocytes are a major tool in biomedical research. However, obtaining high yields of variable hepatocytes is technically challenging. Most protocols rely on the two-step collagenase perfusion protocol introduced by Per Ottar Seglen in 1976. In this procedure, the liver is perfused in situ with a recirculating, constant volume of calcium-free buffer, which is maintained at 37 °C and continuously oxygenated. In a second step, the liver is removed from the carcass and perfused with a collagenase solution in order to dissociate the extracellular matrix of the liver and liberate individual cells. Finally, the dissected hepatocytes are further purified and concentrated by density-based centrifugation. However, failure in proper cannulation, incomplete enzymatic digestion or over-digestion can result in low cell yield and viability. Here we present a novel semi-automated perfusion device, which allows gentle, rapid and efficient generation of a single-cell suspension from rodent livers. In combination with prefabricated buffers, the system allows reliable and highly reproducible isolation of primary hepatocytes.
Keywords: automated isolation; cell culture; cell separation; hepatocyte; perfusion; primary liver cells.