Background: Dental stem cells, which originate from the neural crest, due to their easy accessibility might be good candidates in neuro-regenerative procedures, along with graphene-based nanomaterials shown to promote neurogenesis in vitro. We aimed to explore the potential of liquid-phase exfoliated graphene (LPEG) film to stimulate the neuro-differentiation of stem cells from apical papilla (SCAP).
Methods: The experimental procedure was structured as follows: (1) fabrication of graphene film; (2) isolation, cultivation and SCAP stemness characterization by flowcytometry, multilineage differentiation (osteo, chondro and adipo) and quantitative PCR (qPCR); (3) SCAP neuro-induction by cultivation on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) coated with graphene film; (4) evaluation of neural differentiation by means of several microscopy techniques (light, confocal, atomic force and scanning electron microscopy), followed by neural marker gene expression analysis using qPCR.
Results: SCAP demonstrated exceptional stemness, as judged by mesenchymal markers' expression (CD73, CD90 and CD105), and by multilineage differentiation capacity (osteo, chondro and adipo-differentiation). Neuro-induction of SCAP grown on PET coated with graphene film resulted in neuron-like cellular phenotype observed under different microscopes. This was corroborated by the high gene expression of all examined key neuronal markers (Ngn2, NF-M, Nestin, MAP2, MASH1).
Conclusions: The ability of SCAPs to differentiate toward neural lineages was markedly enhanced by graphene film.
Keywords: dental stem cells; graphene; neurogenic differentiation; stem cells from apical papilla.