This Total Diet Study (TDS) provides representative data on substance levels in foods, prepared as typically consumed by the population in Germany for future dietary exposure assessment. Vitamin A is essential and must be obtained from the diet, either as preformed vitamin A or as provitamin A carotenoids. Levels of retinol and β-carotene were analysed in 333 and 271 foods, respectively. Highest mean retinol levels were found in cod liver (25,000 µg∙100 g-1), followed by other animal livers, liver-based products, butter, eel and fortified margarine. In contrast, highest mean β-carotene levels were found in carrots (4,650 µg∙100 g-1), followed by other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fortified fruit nectars. Sampling by production type and seasonality revealed differences in retinol and β-carotene levels in individual foods. This TDS expands the existing data for β-carotene and vitamin A extensively by providing representative data on most consumed foods.
Keywords: (preformed) vitamin A; BLE, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food; BLS, Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel (German Nutrient Database); BMEL, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture; BVL, Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety); BfR MEAL Study; BfR, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment); FLD, Florescence detection; HPLC, High-performance liquid chromatography; LOD, Limit of Quantification; LOQ, Limit of Detection; MEAL, Meals for Exposure Assessment and Analyses of Foods; MS, Mass spectrometry; NP, Normal-phase; NVS, Nationale Verzehrsstudie (German National Nutrition Survey); Organic and conventional types of production; RP, Reversed-phase; Retinol; Retinol (PubChem CID445354); SD, Standard deviation; Seasonality; TDS, Total diet study; Total diet study; UB, Upper bound; Unprepared and prepared foods; VELS, Verzehrsstudie zur Ermittlung der Lebensmittelaufnahme von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern (Consumption survey of food intake among infants and young children); g, Gram; mLB, Modified lower bound; n, Number; µ, micro; β-carotene; β-carotene (PubChem CID5280480).
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