Objectives: Patient education and resources that address barriers to health literacy to improve understanding in pancreatic cancer are limited. We evaluated the impact and outcomes benefits of Animated Pancreas Patient (APP) cancer educational modules (APP website and YouTube).
Methods: A retrospective study of APP metrics and utilization data from September 2013 to February 2021 was conducted. We evaluated audience reach and calculated top views by media type (animation/expert video/patient video/slideshow) and top retention videos from the modules.
Results: During the study period, APP had 4,551,079 views worldwide of which 2,757,064 unique visitors or 60% were from the United States. Of these, 54% were patients, 17% were family members or caregivers, 16% were health care providers, and 13% were other. The most popular topic viewed among the animations was "Understanding Clinical Trials" (n = 182,217), and the most common expert video viewed was "What are the different stages of pancreatic cancer?" (n = 15,357).
Conclusions: Pancreatic cancer patient education using APP's visual formats of learning demonstrated a wide reach and had a significant impact on improved understanding among patients, families, and caregivers. Continued efforts should be made to provide patient resources that address health literacy, better quality of life and improved health outcomes in pancreatic cancer.
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.