Protein nanoparticle scaffolds are increasingly used in next-generation vaccine designs, and several have established records of clinical safety and efficacy. Yet the rules for how immune responses specific to nanoparticle scaffolds affect the immunogenicity of displayed antigens have not been established. Here we define relationships between anti-scaffold and antigen-specific antibody responses elicited by protein nanoparticle immunogens. We report that dampening anti-scaffold responses by physical masking does not enhance antigen-specific antibody responses. In a series of immunogens that all use the same nanoparticle scaffold but display four different antigens, only HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) is subdominant to the scaffold. However, we also demonstrate that scaffold-specific antibody responses can competitively inhibit antigen-specific responses when the scaffold is provided in excess. Overall, our results suggest that anti-scaffold antibody responses are unlikely to suppress antigen-specific antibody responses for protein nanoparticle immunogens in which the antigen is immunodominant over the scaffold.
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.