In this work, we for the first time report the identification of UV filters in the bird eye lens. We found that lenses of some raptors (black kite, common buzzard) and waterfowl (birds from Podicipedidae family) contain unusually high levels of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-a compound with high absorption in the UV-A range with a maximum at 340 nm. The lens metabolome of these birds also features an extremely low [NAD +]/[NADH] ratio. Chemometric analysis demonstrates that the differences between the metabolomic compositions of lenses with low and high NADH abundances should be attributed to the taxonomic features of bird species rather to the influence of the low [NAD +]/[NADH] ratio. We attributed this observation to the low metabolic activity in lens fiber cells, which make up the bulk of the lens tissue. Photochemical measurements show that properties of NADH as a UV filter are as good as that of UV filters in the human lens, including strong absorption in the UV-A spectral region, high photostability under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, low yields of triplet state, fluorescence, and radicals under irradiation. Lenticular UV filters protect the retina and the lens from photo-induced damages and improve the visual acuity by reducing chromatic aberrations; therefore, the results obtained contribute to our understanding of the extremely high acuity of the raptor vision.
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