Objective: To investigate the clinical features and outcomes of children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) missed by neonatal screening.
Methods: The clinical and laboratory date of 31 children with CH missed by neonatal screening from February 2015 to February 2022 in Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center were retrospectively analyzed. Whole-exome high-throughput sequencing analysis was performed in 17 patients.
Results: Among the 31 patients, 19 cases (61.3%) were preterm, 12 cases (38.7%) were term neonates. The median value of gestation age was 36 (26-40) weeks, birth weight was 2.35 (0.75-3.70) kg, diagnosed age was 20 d (7 d-4 years), dry blood spot thyrotropin was 4.18 (0.34-8.97) mU/L. Nine cases (29.0%) were same-sex twins and 4 cases (12.9%) had a family history of hypothyroidism. The initial clinical symptoms were growth retardation in 11 cases (35.5%), prolonged jaundice in 7 cases (22.6%), short stature, abdominal distension, fetal edema and goiter in 1 case (3.2%), respectively. Genetic analysis of the 17 children showed that DUOX2 gene mutations were detected in 10 cases (6 cases with biallelic mutations and 4 cases with monoallelic mutations), of whom 3 had a family history of hypothyroidism. A total of 22 patients were reevaluated at the age of 2-3 years, of whom 17 cases (77.3%) were transient CH and 5 cases (22.7%) were permanent CH. Among the 10 cases with DUOX2 gene mutations, 6 cases were transient CH, 1 case was permanent CH, and 3 cases (< 3 years old) were still under treatment with L-thyroxine.
Conclusions: False negative results on neonatal screening for CH often occurs in preterm birth, low birth weight, same-sex twins, family history of hypothyroidism, and DUOX2 defects are the common molecular pathogenesis, most of whom are transient CH. Thyroid function should be evaluated in time for children with unexplained slow growth and delayed jaundice regression.
Keywords: Congenital hypothyroidism; False negative; Neonatal screening; Prognosis; DUOX2 gene.