AbstractMaternal age effects on offspring life history are known in a variety of organisms, with offspring of older mothers typically having lower life expectancy (the Lansing effect). However, there is no consensus on the generality and mechanisms of this pattern. We tested predictions of the Lansing effect in several Daphnia magna clones and observed clone-specific magnitude and direction of the maternal age effect on offspring longevity. We also report ambidirectional, genotype-specific effects of maternal age on the propensity of daughters to produce male offspring. Focusing on two clones with contrasting life histories, we demonstrate that maternal age effects can be explained by lipid provisioning of embryos by mothers of different ages. Individuals from a single-generation maternal age reversal treatment showed intermediate life span and intermediate lipid content at birth. In the clone characterized by the "inverse Lansing effect," neonates produced by older mothers showed higher mitochondrial membrane potential in neural tissues than their counterparts born to younger mothers. We conclude that an inverse Lansing effect is possible and hypothesize that it may be caused by age-specific maternal lipid provisioning creating a calorically restricted environment during embryonic development, which in turn reduces fecundity and increases life span in offspring.
Keywords: Daphnia; Lansing effect; lipids; longevity; maternal provisioning; mitochondrial membrane potential; sex ratio.