1 UR2NF-Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit at CRCN - Center for Research in Cognition and Neurosciences and UNI-ULB Neuroscience Institute, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium.
2 GIGA-Cyclotron Research Centre In Vivo Imaging & Psychology and Neuroscience of Cognition, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.
3 Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
4 Department of Electrical Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC, Canada.
5 Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
6 Normandie Univ, University of Caen, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, U1237, Physiopathology and Imaging of Neurological Disorders (PhIND), GIP Cyceron, Institut Blood and Brain @ Caen-Normandie, Caen, France.