Postmortem examination of the cochlea with a cochlear implant in the scala tympani presents several challenges. It is technologically difficult to section a cochlea with an implant due to the presence of its wires and metal components that are adjacent to the membranous and bony tissues of the cochlea. These metal components damage traditional steel blades of a microtome in celloidin, paraffin or frozen embedded tissues. However, plastic embedded implanted cochleas have been successfully sectioned using specialized methods (Irving et al., 2013). An alternative non-destructive method is to optically section a chemically cleared cochlea using light-sheet microscopy, which we will describe in this publication. However, since this method uses a light-sheet to section the cochlea the opaque and reflective metal components of the implant results in some artifacts in the 2D optical sections. The best image quality using light-sheet fluorescent microscopy is when the implant is removed prior to imaging.
Keywords: Cochlea; Cochlear implant; Guinea pig; Light-sheet microscopy; Mouse.
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