Surgical treatment of head and neck cancer can cause loss of teeth, loss of hard and soft tissues and result in significantly altered anatomy. Prosthodontic rehabilitation for such patients can be challenging, requiring pre-surgical planning at a time-sensitive point in the patient's cancer pathway. Rehabilitative outcomes are optimised by early and collaborative planning at the multidisciplinary team discussion, involving surgeons, oncologists and consultants in restorative dentistry. Conventional and implant-based prosthodontics contribute to the armamentarium of rehabilitative approaches used in this patient cohort. In order to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients, collaborative planning and teamworking between head and neck surgeons and restorative dental consultants is required from the outset. Each plan is bespoke, considering the patient's needs and wishes within the context of their holistic and cancer-specific care and their general and dental health.
© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association.