Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a rare autosomal recessive ciliopathy, which is caused by mutations mainly in genes encoding BBSome complex and IFT complex. Here, we reported a 21-year-old female with BBS characterized by three primary features including obesity, retinitis pigmentosa sine pigmento and bilateral renal cysts. She also had some secondary features such as diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, subclinical hypothyroidism and mild conductive hearing damage. Whole exome sequencing revealed two compound heterozygous mutations in exon 2 of the BBS12 gene (c.188delC, p.T63fs and c.1993_1995del, p.665_665del) in this patient. Sanger sequencing showed that her father and mother carried c.188delC (p.T63fs) and c.1993_1995del (p.665_665del) variants, respectively, while her parents were free of BBS-related symptoms. In conclusion, this case reported two novel mutations (c.188delC, p.T63fs and c.1993_1995del, p.665_665del) of the BBS12 gene in a girl presented with BBS, which provides novel genetic resources for studies of the disease. Meanwhile, the BBS case shows the entire development progress from her birth to adulthood, which helps facilitate clinicians' understanding of BBS.
Bardet-Biedl综合征(Bardet-Biedl syndrome, BBS)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传的纤毛相关疾病,其病因主要与编码BBS蛋白复合体BBSome、鞭毛内运输复合体等基因突变有关。本文报道了1例21岁的女性BBS患者,该患者具有肥胖、视网膜色素变性、双肾囊肿的典型特征,还存在2型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪肝、亚临床甲状腺功能减退症、轻度传导性听力下降等不典型表现。全外显子组测序发现该患者的BBS12基因2号外显子存在复合杂合突变(c.188delC, p.T63fs和c.1993_1995del, p.665_665del)。进一步通过Sanger测序发现患者的父亲和母亲分别携带c.188delC(p.T63fs)和c.1993_1995del(p.665_665del)突变,但均无相关症状。综上所述,本病例报告发现了BBS12基因的两个新的突变位点(c.188delC, p.T63fs和c.1993_1995del, p.665_665del),为该疾病的研究提供了新的遗传资源,同时该病例还展示了患者从出生到成人期间的整个疾病发展过程,能够帮助临床医生更好地理解BBS。.
Keywords: BBS12 gene; Bardet-Biedl syndrome; whole exome sequencing.