PDCM Finder (www.cancermodels.org) is a cancer research platform that aggregates clinical, genomic and functional data from patient-derived xenografts, organoids and cell lines. It was launched in April 2022 as a successor of the PDX Finder portal, which focused solely on patient-derived xenograft models. Currently the portal has over 6200 models across 13 cancer types, including rare paediatric models (17%) and models from minority ethnic backgrounds (33%), making it the largest free to consumer and open access resource of this kind. The PDCM Finder standardises, harmonises and integrates the complex and diverse data associated with PDCMs for the cancer community and displays over 90 million data points across a variety of data types (clinical metadata, molecular and treatment-based). PDCM data is FAIR and underpins the generation and testing of new hypotheses in cancer mechanisms and personalised medicine development.
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.