Objective: To understand the characteristics and depressive status of men who have sex with men (MSM) who self-reported HIV infection through heterosexual transmission and to provide evidence for personalized management of HIV infected people. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out in Shandong province from September to December in 2019. Male HIV patients aged ≥15 years who self-reported HIV infection through heterosexual transmission were selected to verify the route of infection by one-to-one interview in Ji'nan, Qingdao, Weifang and Linyi cities of Shangdong province. According to the 1∶1 ratio, local HIV patients with age difference ≤3 years who self-reported MSM were selected as controls. A questionnaire survey was conducted, including data on demographic characteristics, behavior status, CES-D and PSSS. The related factors of the depressive symptoms and characteristics were analyzed. Results: A total of 373 male HIV patients were interviewed, and 39.7%(148/373) were confirmed as MSM after reexamination. The interviewers were: aged (40.3±12.0) years old, 41.9% (62/148) married/cohabiting. 27.0% (40/148) had been tested before HIV diagnosis, 71.6% (106/148) had homosexual partners ≥2 and 55.4% (82/148) had depressive symptom. Multivariate analysis showed that the MSM without HIV testings before diagnosis, had homosexual partners ≥2 before diagnosis, had first homosexual behavior at the age >30 years old and with depressive symptoms were more likely to conceal the true infection route. The incidence of depression among MSM who self-reported HIV infection through heterosexual transmission was related to physical health status social support and occupational stability. Conclusions: Some male HIV persons self-reported as being heterosexually transmitted were really transmitted through homosexual behavior. There were high-risk behaviors such as multiple partners and intersex among this group, and with high incidence of depression. It is necessary to encourage the reexamination program during follow-up and target on psychological and behavioral interventions, continuously.
目的: 分析自报异性性传播HIV感染者中MSM特征及抑郁症状相关因素,为HIV感染者实施个性化管理提供参考依据。 方法: 采用横断面调查设计,2019年9-12月在山东省济南市、青岛市、潍坊市和临沂市选取≥15岁、自报异性性传播的男性HIV感染者作为研究对象,通过一对一访谈核实其感染途径,对核实后实际为MSM,按照1∶1匹配在当地选择年龄范围差≤3岁、自报为男男性行为传播的HIV感染者作为对照组,开展问卷调查,内容包括人口学及行为特征、流行病学调查中心抑郁量表(CES-D)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS),分析其特征和抑郁症状的相关因素。 结果: 自报感染途径为异性性传播的男性HIV感染者373例中,复核后实际为男男性行为传播的占39.7%(148/373),年龄(40.3±12.0)岁,已婚/同居占41.9%(62/148),确证HIV前做过检测占27.0%(40/148),同性性伴数≥2人占71.6%(106/148),有抑郁症状的占55.4%(82/148)。多因素分析结果显示,在自报异性性传播HIV感染者的MSM中,确证前未做过HIV检测、确证前同性性伴数≥2人、首次发生同性性行为年龄>30岁和有抑郁症状者,更有可能隐瞒真实的感染途径;抑郁症状与身体健康状况、社会支持情况和职业状况稳定的因素相关。 结论: 在自报异性性传播的男性HIV感染者中,有一定比例实际为男男性行为传播的感染途径,并存在多性伴及双性性行为的高危行为,抑郁症状的比例较高。需加强随访的感染途径复核,开展针对性的心理和行为干预。.