Charge-neutral conducting systems represent a class of materials with unusual properties governed by electron-hole (e-h) interactions. Depending on the quasiparticle statistics, band structure, and device geometry these semimetallic phases of matter can feature unconventional responses to external fields that often defy simple interpretations in terms of single-particle physics. Here we show that small-angle twisted bilayer graphene (SA TBG) offers a highly tunable system in which to explore interactions-limited electron conduction. By employing a dual-gated device architecture we tune our devices from a nondegenerate charge-neutral Dirac fluid to a compensated two-component e-h Fermi liquid where spatially separated electrons and holes experience strong mutual friction. This friction is revealed through the T^{2} resistivity that accurately follows the e-h drag theory we develop. Our results provide a textbook illustration of a smooth transition between different interaction-limited transport regimes and clarify the conduction mechanisms in charge-neutral SA TBG.