Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the observed nadir in a U- or J-shaped relationship between a particular risk factor and a future health outcome is a function of the distribution of the risk factor in the sample being analyzed.
Methods: Data from the ORIGIN trial were used to assess the relationship between three risk factors (weight, systolic blood pressure, and serum insulin) and the hazard of a major cardiovascular event comprising a nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or cardiovascular death. Three spline curves were generated for each risk factor. The first was based on all available data, the second for a subgroup with a higher mean risk factor level, and the third for a subgroup with a lower mean risk factor level. Nadir levels of the risk factor (i.e., risk factor levels predicting the lowest hazard) were then identified for each spline curve.
Results: When compared to the nadir values based on all available data, nadir values for all three risk factors were higher for the subgroups with higher mean levels and lower for those with lower mean levels.
Conclusions: The distribution of a risk factor in the population is an important determinant of its nadir value. Populations with high or low values may have high and low nadirs, respectively. Identification of a nadir for a modifiable risk factor from epidemiologic relationships may therefore arise from this distribution bias and is therefore unrelated to therapeutic targets.
目的:评估某一特定危险因素与未来健康结果之间的U型或J型关系中观察到的最低点是否为被分析样本中风险因素分布的函数。 研究设计和设置:ORIGIN试验的数据用于评估3个危险因素(体重、收缩压和血清胰岛素)与主要心血管事件(MACE)风险之间的关系, 包括非致死性心肌梗死、非致死性卒中或心血管死亡。每个危险因素生成三条样条曲线。第一项研究基于所有可用数据, 第二项研究针对平均风险因素水平较高的亚组, 第三项研究针对平均风险因素水平较低的亚组。然后为每条样条曲线确定风险因素的最低水平(即预测最低风险的风险因素水平)。 结果:与所有可用数据的最低点相比, 所有3个危险因素的最低点在平均水平较高的亚组较高, 在平均水平较低的亚组较低。 结论:危险因素在人群中的分布是其最低点值的重要决定因素。具有高或低值的种群可能分别具有高和低的最低点。因此, 从流行病学关系中确定可改变风险因素的最低点可能源于这种分布偏差, 因此与治疗靶点无关。.
Keywords: J shape; J型; U-shape; U型; cardiovascular outcome; insulin; risk factor; systolic blood pressure; weight; 体重; 心血管结局; 收缩压; 胰岛素; 风险因素.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes published by Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.