The fundamental characteristics of quality of life (QoL) are considered the same for all people. However, the relative importance of QoL domains may vary for specific populations. No studies have focused on understanding QoL for people with intellectual disabilities with additional communicative disabilities (developmental language disorder or hearing impairment), who experience complex and multiple communicative disabilities (CMCD). This study provides a narrative overview of QoL domains and indicators for this population, highlighting the role of communication. The 16 selected studies proved to be heterogeneous in study design, objective and conceptualization of QoL. The eight domains of QoL by Schalock and Verdugo (2002) are recognized, but few studies specify the importance of communication related to QoL for people with CMCD. The current overview attempts to emphasize not only the indirect role of communication for every QoL domain, but also the importance of acknowledging communication as a prerequisite for QoL in general.
Keywords: Intellectual disability; communication; hearing impairment; language disorder; quality of life.