Herein, we report a case of otitis externa caused by Malassezia slooffiae complicated with mastoiditis. A 70-year-old male complained of fever and severe otorrhea from left external auditory canal 2 months after undergoing a craniotomy to remove a hematoma. He had right-sided paralysis and undertook bed rest. Brain computed tomography revealed continuous fluid accumulation in the left mastoid air cells and middle ear from left external auditory canal in addition to leukocytosis and increased C-reactive protein level. The tympanic membrane was severely swelling. These results indicated the presence of otitis media and mastoiditis. Otorrhea culture showed large amounts of M. slooffiae. The administration of liposomal amphotericin B (L-AMB), the irrigation of external auditory canal with normal saline, and the application of topical ketoconazole ointment were started. The administration of L-AMB for 8 weeks and voriconazole, which was switched from L-AMB, for 4 weeks ameliorated his infection and he was transferred to another hospital to receive rehabilitation. From these results and his clinical course, the diagnosis of otitis externa caused by Malassezia slooffiae complicated with mastoiditis was made. And the possibility of the contamination by M. slooffiae was very low. Clinicians should be aware that M.slooffiae can provoke otological infections since M. slooffiae is the most common Malassezia sp. in external auditory canal.
Keywords: Liposomal amphotericin B; Malassezia slooffiae; Mastoiditis; Otitis externa; Otitis media; Voriconazol.
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