Background: Acute acquired concomitant esotropia (AACE) is usually a benign form of strabismus that infrequently is associated with intracranial pathology. Clinicians have noted an increase in its incidence and theorize that it may be related to public health "lockdown" measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With an increased incidence of AACE clinicians must firstly differentiate AACE from common accommodative esotropia and secondly recognize AACE as a possible sign of serious neuropathology.Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) is a devastating diagnosis for affected families. Children typically present at age 6-7 years with cranial nerve palsies, long tract signs, and/or cerebellar signs. Diagnosis is made from characteristic findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI brain) and treatment includes radiotherapy and palliative care. Two years from diagnosis, 90% of affected children will have died from their disease.
Case series: We present four cases that attended our pediatric ophthalmology clinic with AACE either as a presenting sign of DIPG or as a clinical finding following a DIPG diagnosis. Patient A (age 5 years) presented to the emergency eye clinic with sudden onset diplopia and intermittent esotropia. Suppression later developed, they had 0.00 logMAR visual acuity either eye, and bilateral physiological hypermetropia. MRI brain imaging requested as a result of the unusual presentation led to the DIPG diagnosis. The other 3 cases (ages 11, 5 & 5 years) were assessed post DIPG diagnosis and found to have an esotropia measuring bigger on 1/3-meter fixation than 6-meter fixation, full ocular motility, physiological hypermetropia or emmetropia, and visual acuity normal for age. Other than patient B (age 11 years), who had papilledema and gaze evoked nystagmus when they were assessed 2 weeks prior to death, no patient had any other clinical eye findings.
Conclusions: This small series of 4 patients attending our clinic within a 12-month period supports the notion that children presenting with AACE should routinely be offered brain MRI. Not all children with DIPG-associated AACE have significant ophthalmic findings indicative of intracranial pathology. With the potential for increased incidence of AACE related to lockdowns, clinicians should be reminded of the infrequent possibility their patient has a more serious condition.
Keywords: Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma; esotopia; squint.