Anopheles darlingi is the main vector of malaria in South America. In French Guiana, malaria transmission occurs inland and along the rivers with a regular reemergence in the lower Oyapock area. Control against malaria vectors includes indoor residual spraying of deltamethrin and the distribution of long-lasting impregnated bednets. In this context, the level of resistance to pyrethroids was monitored for 4 years using CDC bottle tests in An. darlingi populations. A loss of susceptibility to pyrethroids was recorded with 30-minute knock-down measured as low as 81%. However, no pyrethroid molecular resistance was found by sequencing a 170 base pair fragment of the S6 segment of domain II of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene. Fluctuation of resistance phenotypes may be influenced by the reintroduction of susceptible alleles from sylvatic populations or by other mechanisms of metabolic resistance.