Purpose: To assess the potential of radiomic features in comparison to dual-energy CT (DECT) material decomposition to objectively stratify abdominal lymph node metastases.
Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, we included 81 patients (m, 57; median age, 65 (interquartile range, 58.7-73.3) years) with either lymph node metastases (n = 36) or benign lymph nodes (n = 45) who underwent contrast-enhanced abdominal DECT between 06/2015-07/2019. All malignant lymph nodes were classified as unequivocal according to RECIST criteria and confirmed by histopathology, PET-CT or follow-up imaging. Three investigators segmented lymph nodes to extract DECT and radiomics features. Intra-class correlation analysis was applied to stratify a robust feature subset with further feature reduction by Pearson correlation analysis and LASSO. Independent training and testing datasets were applied on four different machine learning models. We calculated the performance metrics and permutation-based feature importance values to increase interpretability of the models. DeLong test was used to compare the top performing models.
Results: Distance matrices and t-SNE plots revealed clearer clusters using a combination of DECT and radiomic features compared to DECT features only. Feature reduction by LASSO excluded all DECT features of the combined feature cohort. The top performing radiomic features model (AUC = 1.000; F1 = 1.000; precision = 1.000; Random Forest) was significantly superior to the top performing DECT features model (AUC = 0.942; F1 = 0.762; precision = 0.800; Stochastic Gradient Boosting) (DeLong < 0.001).
Conclusion: Imaging biomarkers have the potential to stratify unequivocal lymph node metastases. Radiomics models were superior to DECT material decomposition and may serve as a support tool to facilitate stratification of abdominal lymph node metastases.
Keywords: ADB, AdaBoost; AUC, Area under the curve; Abdominal imaging; CT, Computed tomography; CTDI, Computed tomography dose index; DECT, Dual-energy computed tomography; DICOM, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine; DLP, Dose-length product; Dual-energy computed tomography; GLCM, Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix; GLDM, Gray Level Dependence Matrix; GLRLM, Gray Level Run Length Matrix; GLSZM, Gray Level Size Zone Matrix; HU, Hounsfield Units; ICC, Intra-class correlation coefficient; ID%, Normalized iodine uptake; ID, Iodine density; LR, Logistic Regression; Lymph node metastasis; Machine Learning; NGTDM, Neighboring Gray Tone Difference Matrix; Oncology; PET, Positron emission tomography; RF, Random Forest; ROC, Receiver operating characteristics; ROI, Region of interest; Radiomics; SGB, Stochastic Gradient Boosting; VOI, Volume of interest; mGy, Milligray.
© 2022 The Authors.