Systems biology researchers need feasible solutions for editing and visualisation of large biological diagrams. Here, we present the ySBGN bidirectional converter that translates metabolic pathways, developed in the general-purpose yEd Graph Editor (using the GraphML format) into the Systems Biology Graphical Notation Markup Language (SBGN-ML) standard format and vice versa. We illustrate the functionality of this converter by applying it to the translation of the ReconMap resource (available in the SBGN-ML format) to the yEd-specific GraphML and back. The ySBGN tool makes possible to draw extensive metabolic diagrams in a powerful general-purpose graph editor while providing results in the standard SBGN format.
Keywords: GraphML; Recon2 human metabolic reconstruction; process description; systems biology graphical notation; systems biology standard.
© 2022 the author(s), published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.