Lessons learned from an enterprise-wide clinical datathon

J Clin Transl Sci. 2022 Aug 24;6(1):e125. doi: 10.1017/cts.2022.450. eCollection 2022.


In 2020, Baylor College of Medicine held a datathon to inform potential users of a new data warehouse, allow users to address clinical questions, identify warehouse capabilities and limitations, foster collaborations, and engage trainees. Senior faculty selected proposals based on feasibility and impact. Selectees worked with Information Technology for 2 months and presented findings. A survey of participants showed diverse levels of experience, high perceived value of the datathon, high rates of collaboration, and significant increases in knowledge. A datathon can promote familiarity with a new data warehouse, guide data warehouse improvement, and promote collaboration.

Keywords: Diffusion of innovation; biomedical; cooperative behavior; information systems; interdisciplinary communication; technology assessment.