Background: Endarterectomy with prosthetic patch angioplasty is the preferred treatment for common femoral artery occlusive disease. Eversion endarterectomy was described as a promising alternative. the aim of this study was to compare the eversion endarterectomy and patch angioplasty outcomes for patients with de novo femoral bifurcation atherosclerotic lesions. this study was a single-center, retrospective analysis of prospectively collected registry data, non-randomized cohort. Patients treated by eversion endarterectomy and patch angioplasty for de novo femoral bifurcation atheromatous lesions were evaluated.
Methods: Between January 2016 and June 2019, all patients with de novo femoral bifurcation atheromatous lesions with a stenosis ≥70% were included in a prospective single-center database. Patients undergoing eversion endarterectomy and patch angioplasty were propensity-matched by age, sex, preexisting comorbidities, and lesion characteristics.
Results: There were 51 eversion endarterectomy and 137 patch angioplasty cases. One-to-one propensity matching yielded 51 pairs of patients. In the matched population, intermittent claudication was the most common clinical presentation (68% for both groups; P=0.83). There was no difference in femoral bifurcation lesion types between the two groups (P=0.11). Univariate analysis found no significant difference between the groups in terms of 30-d morbidity and mortality (10% and 16%; P=0.55). At 24 months, there was no significant difference in primary sustained clinical improvement (72% and 86%; P=0.22), primary patency rate (90% and 98%; P=0.48), and freedom from target lesion revascularization (100% and 98%; P=0.31) between the groups.
Conclusions: This propensity-score analysis did not show any advantage for the EE. The EPPA should be the first line treatment of de novo femoral tripod occlusive disease. Results show that patch angioplasty treatment for de novo femoral bifurcation atheromatous could improve the daily practice with a good clinical improvement and primary patency.