A 63-year-old man with spells of reduced consciousness in the morning and a giant abdominal mass presented to our institution for a second opinion. Investigation revealed non-diabetic hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemic events. Removal of the abdominal mass solved the hypoglycemia. Anatomopathological examination confirmed a solitary fibrous tumor (SFT). Doege-Potter syndrome was diagnosed. Doege-Potter syndrome is a potentially life-threatening rare paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by recurrent hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia due to the overproduction of a prohormone form of insulin-like growth factor-II (pro-IGF-II) from a solitary fibrous tumor. First, we describe the clinical, laboratory and radiologic findings of the case. Second, a brief literature review on Doege-Potter syndrome is provided.
Keywords: Doege-Potter syndrome; Hypoglycemia; IGF-II; non-islet cell hypoglycemia (NITCH); solitary fibrous tumor (SFT).