The use of endocuff for the facilitation of endoscopic mucosal resection in defiant colonic polyps. A case series

Hippokratia. 2021 Jul-Sep;25(3):134-137.


Background: Endocuff has been suggested as a safe and useful device facilitating complex endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) in the sigmoid colon; however, the existing data are sparse. In this case series, we report our experience with endocuff in facilitating EMR in defiant polyps throughout the colon.

Case series: In colonoscopies where sufficient stability and, thus, reliable visualization of the lesion was not possible (defiant polyp), the endoscope was removed, and subsequently, an ENDOCUFF VISIONTM was mounted on its tip. Thereafter, the colonic area of interest underwent endoscopic re-examination. The study prospectively included fifteen patients with 16 sessile/flat polyps. Fifteen of the 16 EMRs were considered successful.

Conclusions: This case series indicates the use of endocuff as an auxiliary device for facilitating EMR in defiant colonic polyps. HIPPOKRATIA 2021, 25 (3):134-137.

Keywords: Colonic polyps; endocuff; endoscopic mucosal resection.