Background: The field of greenspace and bluespace research in relation to cognitive outcomes is rapidly growing. Several systematic reviews have already been published on this topic but none of them are specific to cognitive outcomes in the entire age range of children. Moreover, only a few of them have examined the effects of bluespace in addition to greenspace. Also, theses reviews are focused either only on observational studies or experimental studies. Our systematic review focuses on cognitive outcomes in relation to greenspace and bluespace in children and adolescents aged 0-18; it captures both observational and experimental studies. Cognitive outcomes are presented according to an evidence-based taxonomy of human cognitive abilities: the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory.
Methods: We conducted searches in the PubMed and PsychInfo databases, from their inception dates to 17 December 2021. We used three-text terms related to outcome, exposure, and population as well as MeSH terms for outcome and population. Further, the reference lists and existing reviews were searched ("snowball" search) until 21 April 2022 to detect additional studies. For the results reporting, we followed the updated guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA). We included observational and experimental studies on greenspace or bluespace exposure in relation to cognitive functioning, published in English, German, or Polish. Two reviewers independently checked study eligibility and extracted data. Two reviewers evaluated the risk of bias according to the Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) tool. At all stages, discrepancies between the two reviewers were solved via discussion with a third reviewer.
Results: Records identified from PubMed (n = 2030) and PsycINFO (n = 1168) were deduplicated and screened. Twenty one reports were first selected. The "snowball" search revealed 16 additional reports. Altogether, 39 studies (17 experimental and 22 observational) published in 37 reports were qualified. The data extraction showed that the methodology used in the studies was heterogenous and the findings were inconsistent. The majority of the studies investigated attentional functioning, which we subdivided into two categories according to the CHC theory: attentional control and reaction and decision speed (12 studies) and attentional control and processing speed (10 studies). Eleven studies investigated working memory and/or short-term memory that we categorized as CHC working memory capacity. Nine studies investigated intellectual functioning, which we categorized as CHC general ability, fluid reasoning, and comprehension-knowledge. Two studies investigated visual-spatial skills, which we categorized as CHC visual processing and psychomotor speed. One study measured parent-reported attention; two studies examined early childhood/cognitive development; three studies examined decision-making and self-regulation, which can be categorized as several CHC theory abilities.
Discussion: The heterogeneity of the included studies does not permit clear conclusions for our review. In accordance with previous systematic reviews, greenspace and bluespace were not more strongly related to a particular domain of cognitive functioning than other cognitive domains, and no effects of age or type of exposure assessment on the association between nature and cognition were detected. Further research is needed, including state-of-the-art of assessment of cognitive outcomes and diverse exposure assessment methods within both observational and experimental approaches. Expertise will be required in several domains, such as environmental epidemiology, cognitive psychology, and neuropsychology. Systematic review registration number (INPLASY): 202220018.
Keywords: Bluespace; Children; Cognition; Greenspace; Nature; Systematic review.
Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.