In angiosperms, flower development requires the combined action of the transcription factor LEAFY (LFY) and the ubiquitin ligase adaptor F-box protein, UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO), but the molecular mechanism underlying this synergy has remained unknown. Here we show in transient assays and stable transgenic plants that the connection to ubiquitination pathways suggested by the UFO F-box domain is mostly dispensable. On the basis of biochemical and genome-wide studies, we establish that UFO instead acts by forming an active transcriptional complex with LFY at newly discovered regulatory elements. Structural characterization of the LFY-UFO-DNA complex by cryo-electron microscopy further demonstrates that UFO performs this function by directly interacting with both LFY and DNA. Finally, we propose that this complex might have a deep evolutionary origin, largely predating flowering plants. This work reveals a unique mechanism of an F-box protein directly modulating the DNA binding specificity of a master transcription factor.
© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.