Objective: To perform a comprehensive review of the contemporary literature regarding both functional and oncologic outcomes after primary focal cryotherapy for prostate cancer (PCa), providing these results as a foundation for discussing recent developments in the realm of focal therapy.
Background: Traditional treatments for PCa are often associated with debilitating functional side effects for patients. Due to advances in imaging and biopsy strategies, focal ablative therapies recently have garnered much interest and offer an alternative primary treatment for PCa patients with localized disease. Focal cryoablation utilizes heat extraction from tissues to generate an iceball and cause tissue destruction while sparing uninvolved prostatic regions. Optimized patient selection and postoperative management continue to be areas of interest and study as the field continues to develop.
Methods: A search was performed of the PubMed and Embase databases to identify articles pertaining to primary focal PCa cryoablation since our group's last comprehensive review in 2016.
Conclusions: Primary focal cryoablation for PCa offers optimized functional outcomes and a favorable adverse event profile. True evaluation of oncologic outcomes is hampered by lack of long-term follow-up and highly variable clinical endpoints across these studies. Nonetheless, outcomes appear adequate in the short- to medium-term time frame. Utilization of focal cryoablation is expected to grow with continued refinement of patient selection and management options in cases of treatment failure.
Keywords: Prostate cancer (PCa); cryoablation; focal therapy; image-targeted therapy; outcomes.
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