In recent years, the assessment of systolic acceleration in lower-extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) has been brought back into the spotlight, whatever measure is used: time (in s) or acceleration (in cm.s-2). Acceleration time (also called systolic rise time) and maximal acceleration are two different but very useful measurements of growing interest in PAD. A background of the historical development, physics rationale, semantics, and methods of measurement, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, are discussed herein. Acceleration time is a powerful tool for predicting significant arterial stenosis or for estimating the overall impact of PAD as it is highly correlated to the ankle or toe pressure indexes. It could even become a new diagnostic criterion for critical limb ischemia. Similarly, maximal systolic acceleration ratios are highly predictive of carotid or renal stenosis. However, the literature lacks reference standards or guidelines for the assessment of such variables, and their measurement techniques seem to differ between authors. We propose herein a semantic and measurement statement order to clarify and help standardize future research.
Keywords: acceleration time; doppler ultrasound; lower-extremity artery disease; maximal acceleration; peripheral artery disease; systolic rise time.