Building demolition following domestic fires or abrasive processing after thermal recycling can release particles harmful for the environment and human health. To mimic such situations, particles release during dry-cutting of construction materials was investigated. A reinforcement material consisting of carbon rods (CR), carbon concrete composite (C³) and thermally treated C³ (ttC³) were physicochemically and toxicologically analyzed in monocultured lung epithelial cells, and co-cultured lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts at the air-liquid interface. C³ particles reduced their diameter to WHO fibre dimensions during thermal treatment. Caused by physical properties or by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and bisphenol A found in the materials, especially the released particles of CR and ttC³ induced an acute inflammatory response and (secondary) DNA damage. Transcriptome analysis indicated that CR and ttC³ particles carried out their toxicity via different mechanisms. While ttC³ affected pro-fibrotic pathways, CR was mostly involved in DNA damage response and in pro-oncogenic signaling.
Keywords: Air-liquid interface; Bisphenol A; Carbon fibre toxicity; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Transcriptome.
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