Background: Adalimumab has demonstrated efficacy in non-infectious uveitis. With the introduction of biosimilar agents such as Amgevita, we aimed to quantify efficacy and tolerability compared to Humira in a multi-centre UK cohort.
Methods: Patients identified from tertiary uveitis clinics in 3 centres, after institution-mandated switching was implemented.
Results: Data collected for 102 patients, aged 2-75 years, with 185 active eyes. Following switch, rates of uveitis flare were not significantly different (13 events before, 21 after, p = .132). Rates of elevated intraocular pressure were decreased (32 before, 25 afterwards, p = .006) and dosing of oral and intra-ocular steroids was stable. Twenty-four patients (24%) requested to return to Humira, commonly due to pain from injection or technical difficulty with the device.
Conclusion: Amgevita is safe and effective for inflammatory uveitis with non-inferiority to Humira. Significant numbers of patients requested to switch back due to side effects including injection site reactions.
Keywords: Adalimumab; TNF-alpha; biosimilar; clinical efficacy; uveitis.