Models of dynamical wave function collapse consistently describe the breakdown of the quantum superposition with the growing mass of the system by introducing non-linear and stochastic modifications to the standard Schrödinger dynamics. Among them, Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) was extensively investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Measurable consequences of the collapse phenomenon depend on different combinations of the phenomenological parameters of the model-the strength λ and the correlation length rC-and have led, so far, to the exclusion of regions of the admissible (λ-rC) parameters space. We developed a novel approach to disentangle the λ and rC probability density functions, which discloses a more profound statistical insight.
CSL; collapse models; germanium detectors; spontaneous radiation.
Grants and funding
This publication was made possible through the support of the INFN institute and Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi—Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi” institute. We acknowledge the support of Grant 62099 from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation. We acknowledge support from the Foundational Questions Institute and Fetzer Franklin Fund, a donor advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation (Grants No. FQXi-RFP-CPW-2008 and FQXi-MGB-2011), and from the H2020 FET TEQ (Grant No. 766900). We thank the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) which supports the VIP2 project with the grants P25529-N20, project P 30635-N36 and W1252-N27 (doctoral college particles and interactions). A.B. acknowledges financial support from the EIC Pathfinder project QuCoM (GA no. 101046973).