Quality Protein Maize (QPM) contains higher amounts of essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan. The QPM phenotype is based on regulating zein protein synthesis by opaque2 transcription factor. Many gene modifiers act to optimize the amino acid content and agronomic performance. An SSR marker, phi112, is present upstream of the opaque2 DNA gene. Its analysis has shown the presence of transcription factor activity. The functional associations of opaque2 have been determined. The putative transcription factor binding at phi112 marked DNA was identified through computational analysis. The present study is a step towards understanding the intricate network of molecular interactions that fine-tune the QPM genotype to influence maize protein quality. In addition, a multiplex PCR assay for differentiation of QPM from normal maize is shown, which can be used for Quality Control at various stages of the QPM value chain.
Keywords: Quality Protein Maize; amino acid metabolism; biofortification; nutrition; phi112; protein-DNA interactions.