Quantum metrology employs quantum resources to enhance the measurement sensitivity beyond that can be achieved classically. While multiphoton entangled N00N states can in principle beat the shot-noise limit and reach the Heisenberg limit, high N00N states are difficult to prepare and fragile to photon loss which hinders them from reaching unconditional quantum metrological advantages. Here, we combine the idea of unconventional nonlinear interferometers and stimulated emission of squeezed light, previously developed for the photonic quantum computer Jiuzhang, to propose and realize a new scheme that achieves a scalable, unconditional, and robust quantum metrological advantage. We observe a 5.8(1)-fold enhancement above the shot-noise limit in the Fisher information extracted per photon, without discounting for photon loss and imperfections, which outperforms ideal 5-N00N states. The Heisenberg-limited scaling, the robustness to external photon loss, and the ease-of-use of our method make it applicable in practical quantum metrology at a low photon flux regime.