'I felt like my senses were under attack': An interpretative phenomenological analysis of experiences of hypersensitivity in autistic individuals

Autism. 2023 Nov;27(8):2269-2280. doi: 10.1177/13623613231158182. Epub 2023 Mar 6.


Research shows that the way autistic individuals perceive and process sensory stimuli differs from those of non-autistic people. However, while current research often focuses on what sensory differences in autism are and which neurocognitive processes may explain these, it often does not explicitly address what it is like to experience the world through the senses of an autistic person. To explore this understudied dimension, we conducted 18 in-depth interviews with autistic individuals in order to better understand how they personally experienced hypersensitivity from a first-person perspective. Participants described hypersensitivity as a feeling of being bombarded by intrusive stimuli that seemed to invade their bodies and from which they had difficulties distancing themselves. They also indicated how due to hypersensitivity they often perceived their (social) environment as invasive, chaotic, unpredictable or threatening. Hypersensitivities were thus not only described as unsettling bodily experiences but also related to challenges in perceiving, understanding and interacting with the (social) world. By focussing on the subjective dimension of sensory processing in autism, our study thus highlights how sensory difficulties are not peripheral features of autism but play an essential part in the daily challenges faced by autistic individuals.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders; embodied subjectivity; interpretative phenomenological analysis; lived experience; sensory processing.