Versatile modulators for laser-based FEL seeding at SwissFEL

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2023 Mar 1;30(Pt 2):276-283. doi: 10.1107/S1600577522012073. Epub 2023 Feb 1.


The Paul Scherrer Institute is implementing laser-based seeding in the soft X-ray beamline (Athos) of its free-electron laser, SwissFEL, to enhance the temporal and spectral properties of the delivered photon pulses. This technique requires, among other components, two identical modulators for coupling the electron beam with an external laser with a wavelength range between 260 and 1600 nm. The design, magnetic measurements results, alignment, operation and also details of the novel and exotic magnetic configuration of the prototype are described.

Keywords: EEHG; FEL; insertion devices; soft X-ray.