Purchasing Under the Influence of Alcohol: The Impact of Hazardous and Harmful Patterns of Alcohol Consumption, Impulsivity, and Compulsive Buying

Psychol Rep. 2023 Mar 22:332941231164348. doi: 10.1177/00332941231164348. Online ahead of print.


The current research examined how hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, problematic online shopping when drinking alcohol, impulsivity, and compulsive buying were associated with and predicted the frequency of making purchases while under the influence of alcohol. A sample of American adults between the ages of 25 and 64 who reported having at least one drink per week over the past 6 months were surveyed. Regression-based path modeling revealed for those who made online purchases while moderately intoxicated, hazardous and harmful patterns of drinking alcohol and, problematic online shopping when drinking alcohol, predicted the frequency of making purchases while intoxicated. For those who made online purchases while heavily intoxicated, hazardous and harmful patterns of drinking alcohol, impulsivity, problematic online shopping when drinking alcohol, and compulsive buying predicted the frequency of making purchases while intoxicated. We explain our findings by suggesting individuals engage in frequent drunk purchases because they are motivated to alleviate their negative mood states.

Keywords: Compulsive buying; addiction; alcohol; anxiety; disability & trauma; impulsivity; internet shopping; mental & physical health; mental health.